Medical office construction tactics for work flow and preventing accidents in your healthcare setting.  Here are some important tips to remember when planning the layout for your new dentist’s office.

Medical office construction for efficiency

Efficiency is one of the most important traits of a successful medical office. And the best way to maintain efficiency is through work flow management. In any hospital environment, various work flows can affect patient satisfaction, safety and productivity. To optimize on efficient work flow models, consider medical office construction and remodeling designs.

Controlling traffic in your medical office

To reduce clutter in a home, all items- clothing, books, toys- must “live” in an established place.  The same is true of your medical practice. Each person who enters your ASC or outpatient clinic must have an assigned place to sit or stand for each segment of the visit. This includes patients and visitors, as well as doctors, nurses, cleaners and administrative assistants.

Medical staff

Your nurses and medical technicians are a valued part of your work flow.  So make sure they have the space they need to help care for patients and have a few moments to regroup. Your medical construction plan should include nursing stations in both patient and medical areas.

Patient flow

For extended-stay, make allowances for patients to roam outside their bedrooms. Patients should be encouraged to stay active, within safety standards. A great way to ensure that is by arranging outdoor patient areas or a designated hall for change of scenery.

Loved ones

Friends and family should have a comfortable place to visit patients under your care. Consider adding family rooms, food zones or lounge areas to your medical office layout.

Medications and supplies

Medications and supplies should be stored in an area next to the medical space where they will be used. To prevent medical errors, you must reduce the amount of work flow between point A and B. This is especially true with medications and test results. When designing a lab for your medical office, group testing areas near patient spaces. Similarly, store medical supplies as near as possible to the areas where they are most needed. Healthcare professionals can improve the healing environment by focusing more on work flow. Healthcare professionals can improve the healing environment by focusing more on work flow. To find out if your medical office is optimized for efficiency, speak to a qualified medical construction contractor. Photo by imagerymajestic/freedigitalphotos