An important part of managing your southern California healthcare industry is keeping on top of the latest in medical news; advancements in medicine, medical billing procedures, and trends in hospital rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles, Orange County, or San Diego are all crucial elements of running an efficient and successful medical office. Listed below are some excellent Internet resources for all healthcare professionals, including financial magazines, medical newsgroups, and government agency websites. Also included in the mix are medical informational sites for southern California healthcare industries.
  1. Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (California): site which provides valuable information regarding California healthcare administration, construction, services, and practices.
  2. California Department of Public Health: Licensing and Certification (California): California healthcare department developed to safeguard health care facilities compliance with California laws and regulations.
  3. Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (California): Provides building permits, inspections, and Green Building services to medical facilities all over the Los Angeles area.
  4. Los Angeles Business Journal: LA Healthcare (California): The latest news stories on health insurance, medical administration, hospitals, and doctors in the Los Angeles area.
  5. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): The official website for the noted publisher of medical research and innovative breakthroughs.
  6. New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM): One of the most respected leaders in medical news, the NEJM provides updated information on healthcare policies, medicine, and society.
  7. MedPage Today: Informative, updated medical news.
  8. Science Daily: Medical news with a decidedly scientific edge.
  9. American Medical News: Opinion, government, and financial news related to the healthcare industry.
  10. Fierce Healthcare: Medical news for healthcare providers, administrators, and doctors.
  11. HealthLeaders: Another excellent resource for healthcare administrators, featuring news on health plans, marketing, technology, financing, and hospital trends.
  12. World Health Organization: Provides excellent information on international medical news.
  13. Medical Economics: Medical news network specializing in surgical specialties, medical business practices, and education.
  14. Forbes: Pharma & Healthcare: Relevant information for healthcare professionals.
  15. Modern Healthcare: Healthcare business news site.
  16. Bloomberg: Healthcare: Breaking medical news.
  17. MarketWatch: Healthcare: Healthcare news from the Wall Street Journal.
  18. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): Governmental agency offering services in Medicare and Medicaid.
  19. The Joint Commission: Healthcare licensing agency.
  20. The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities ( AAAASF): Agency developed to maintain high integrity in medical care standards in ambulatory and surgical centers.
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